
The inheritance cycle
The inheritance cycle

the inheritance cycle

Was a highlight of a bad year! Since I'm more familiar with how Goodreads works I figured i would rate the whole series. I could go on and on about how great all 4 books are but you need to find that out for yourself. I would recommend this series of books to anyone that has an interest in fantasy stories, medieval times,sword fighting, dragons, elves/dwarves & magic/folklore of elves/dwarves, or anything relating to any of these topics. Not to mention that he started writing Eragon and graduated high school when he was but 15 years old. It takes a brilliant,imaginative and intuitive mind to create a land the likes of Alagaesia the way he did. I love the way he layered in many culturally different peoples ways of living and folklore along with their unique cities, towns and villages. Christopher Paolini is a "fantasy world genius". I couldn't put it down after I started reading, I would just get lost in the world of Alagaesia, that Eragon and his charasmatic dragon Saphira lived,fought and survived in. I was captivated by these books more than I have ever been before. Aside from special effects that really were quite good, the rest of the movie could have been put together in a much better way. After reading just the first book you really realize what a hack job they did on the movie. I made the mistake of watching the movie "Eragon" before I read any of the books.

The inheritance cycle